ChatGPT is an amazingly powerful tool you can access for free at

The key to maximising its potential lies in what questions you ask it.

Let's say you are an entrepreneur who sells beauty products and you want to find out the best way to succeed online at it.

On the face of it it seems like a fairly open question. We could ask "what's popular" or "what audience likes [my product] the most" but by cleverly structuring the question we can generate more meaningful results.

Here's ChatGPT's response to the following questions and directions.

Create 5 buyer personas who buy high end lipstick. Including their hobbies, how much they earn, how often they purchase lipstick, what's the average price they pay for it and what websites they like to shop at. What is the best way to reach them and introduce them to our high end lipstick that will make them want to order immediately?



    1. The Professional - This buyer persona is a career-driven individual who works in a corporate setting. They are financially stable, earning around $80,000 - $100,000 per year. They purchase lipstick every 2-3 months and are willing to pay $30 - $40 for a high-quality lipstick. They prefer to buy their makeup online and are loyal to Sephora's website. The best way to reach them is through LinkedIn or sponsored ads on Sephora's website.

    2. The Fashionista - This buyer persona is a fashion-forward individual who loves experimenting with new makeup trends. They enjoy attending fashion events, reading fashion magazines, and following influencers on social media. They earn around $60,000 - $70,000 per year and purchase lipstick every month. They are willing to spend between $50 - $60 on a high-end lipstick. They like to buy their makeup from Nordstrom and enjoy reading reviews on their website. The best way to reach them is through paid social media ads or influencer marketing.

    3. The Luxury Lover - This buyer persona loves everything luxurious and high-end. They frequent luxury boutiques and hotels and enjoy indulging in premium experiences. They earn around $150,000 - $200,000 per year and purchase a high-end lipstick every 3-4 months. They are willing to spend $100 or more on a high-end lipstick. They like to buy their makeup from the brands' official website or luxury department stores like Saks Fifth Avenue. The best way to reach them is through targeted email marketing or personalized luxury experiences in-store.

    4. The Wedding Planner - This buyer persona is a wedding planner who frequently works on weddings and special events. They enjoy creating beautiful aesthetics and are always seeking high-quality products that can elevate their work. They earn around $50,000 - $60,000 per year and purchase lipstick every month. They are willing to spend between $30 - $40 on a high-quality lipstick. They prefer to buy their makeup from Ulta or Amazon. The best way to reach them is through targeted email marketing or partnering with wedding venues and event planners.

    5. The Beauty Guru - This buyer persona is a beauty blogger or influencer who is highly knowledgeable in the beauty industry. They create content around makeup tutorials, reviews, and recommendations on their blog or social media channels. They earn around $100,000 - $120,000 per year and purchase lipstick every month. They are willing to spend between $40 - $50 on a high-end lipstick. They prefer to buy their makeup from the brands' official website or Sephora. The best way to reach them is through influencer marketing or sponsored content on their blog or social media channels.

The best way to introduce our new high-end lipstick to these buyer personas is through targeted email marketing, influencer marketing, and personalized experiences in-store. We can also offer exclusive discounts, limited-edition packaging, and free samples to encourage them to purchase our new product. Collaborating with luxury hotels, boutiques, and wedding planners can also help us reach a wider audience and position our product as a premium and exclusive option.

 So as we can see, we've found out quite a lot by structuring our directions in such a way as to garner some great insights.

And here's the response to the follow up direction

"What type of lipstick does persona 1 purchase the most? What is the best place to source this lipstick and buy it wholesale? Assume we have bought some stock. Write a sales email to that would encourage them to visit our landing page for the lipstick and write the sales copy for the landing page."


As an AI language model, I don't know the preferences of persona 1 as it requires further information from you. However, I can help to provide a general sales email and landing page sales copy that you can tailor to meet your specific audience's needs.

Sales Email:

Subject: Introducing [Product Name]: Your go-to lipstick

Hello [Persona 1's name],

We noticed that you're a fan of lipsticks, and we wanted to introduce you to [Product Name], a lipstick brand that we are sure you'll love.

[Product Name] is known for its long-lasting formula, vibrant colors, and luxurious finish. Plus, it's made with high-quality, natural ingredients that are safe for your lips.

We sourced the best quality [Product Name] lipsticks from the most reputable vendors to bring them to you wholesale. Plus, we're confident that makeup enthusiasts like you will appreciate the chance to get their favorite lipstick at great prices.

To learn more about [Product Name] and our wholesale prices, we invite you to visit our landing page at: [Landing Page URL]

Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Landing Page Sales Copy:

[Product Name]: Your Go-To Lipstick

Introducing [Product Name], the ultimate lipstick brand designed to enhance your look without damaging your skin. Our lipsticks come in a wide range of colors, textures, and finishes to suit every mood, occasion, and outfit.

Why Choose [Product Name]?

[Product Name] is formulated with high-quality and natural ingredients to keep your lips hydrated, healthy, and plump. It glides on smoothly, lasts for hours, and doesn't bleed, smudge, or feather.

Our Lipstick Collection

Whether you prefer a classic red lip, a bold matte finish, or a subtle gloss, [Product Name] has got you covered. Our collection includes:

Matte Lipsticks: For a bold and long-lasting look that won't dry or fade throughout the day.

Satin Lipsticks: For a smooth, creamy, and hydrating finish that adds a pop of color to your lips.

Gloss Lipsticks: For a high-shine and lightweight formula that accentuates your lips and complements any makeup look.

How to Buy [Product Name] Lipsticks

We offer our [Product Name] lipsticks at wholesale prices to makeup artists, resellers, and bulk buyers. You can purchase our lipsticks online by visiting our landing page at:

[Landing Page URL]

The landing page allows you to choose your desired products, quantities and checkout easily and securely.

Experience the transformation and confidence that [Product Name] lipsticks can bring to your beauty collection today!

As we can see it does quite well with not much information. Providing it with more specific information will produce more meaningful results. And usually in under 15 seconds.

Now go have a play around.


OHP Marketing Team

Saturday, April 1, 2023

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